"Dial Counters" pin markers / gaming aid (5 piece set)


The " Dial Counter" set is laser cut from MDF and needs assembly using PVA.

The "Dial Conter" has been designed to record pins / wounds, turns and is intended to reduce the amount of dice on the table when gaming. Being difficult to pick up and roll, the tokens can be decorated to suit the application.

Here wounded and deceased models are glued on and "based up" to match the army.

Assembling your dials is easy, glue the central core onto the base with PVA and align by placing the numbered dial over to ensure it is sitting in the centre. Dab a small amount of glue on the inner circle and glue on the decorated top and let gravity hold in place. Do not weight or clamp down as the dial may become too tight to turn freely.

The dials are numbered 1 to 10 and the disc is diameter 40mm

American Models (painted by Paul Buller), paint, scenic material and glue are not included.

SS painted by Charlie Foxtrot

Main picture models professionally painted by Matt Slade (Glenbrook Games)

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