Tutorial : New World Tavern April 6, 2018 11:44
The "New World Tavern" is a large kit which has many components. Each part has been designed to be user friendly in assembly. The following steps may assist those who need more info than the A4 instructions included with the kit.
By following the instruction sheet it will get you to this stage. I worked on a flat surface and used full strength wood quality PVA.
You will note that I have left off lots of pieces that would make the painting more difficult.
As this is a large centrepiece I really wanted to present this model at its best. I used 3 sheets of "Roof Tile 2" (available on this site) together with the capping card tiles (supplied with the kit). Leaving the bottom row as engraved roof shingles, I started one row up and used PVA to glue on the tiles. I used a cutting mat and a craft knife but being thin card, scissors would also do the job.
I have left the dormer roof off at this point as I want to do more work on them in sequence.
Take care with the two smaller roof sections to ensure you are tiling from the bottom to the top.
Add tiles to the half hipped roof sections and trim off once try. Using a craft knife with the blade extended (more on this later) hold the flat of the blade along the roof and gently cut toward the roof, pressing the tile to the MDF. This will prevent the tile lifting.
I completed the roof tiles (the two smaller roof sections are not glued in place but tiled separately) and then spray primed grey. I then lightly spray primed areas that were to be white in my final colour scheme. The grey undercoat will act as shading. At this point, I glued together the steps and then used blu tac to temporarily stick the remaining smaller pieces to some cardboard. This will prevent the smaller parts moving with the force of the spray. If you are spraying shutters and doors, spray at a low angle 45 degrees or less to retain the black engraved detail lines.
If you plan on skipping the optional roof tiles, the dormers will look like this. The roof comes with engraved tiles to paint as standard.
I painted behind the window black and the planked walls with tester-pot emulsion, leaving the spray primed window white. Using an all purpose glue (UHU) I glued in a piece of blister packaging for glazing before gluing on the dormer roof triangle end piece. This was then followed by the larger right hand side (see note below) as shown. After the final piece is glued in, allow to dry before filling with polyfilla or greenstuff. This is to ensure that the card tiling is easier to do.
Take a piece of dormer roof and make a card template ( I used a cornflake packet). The template can then be used to take the guesswork out of cutting the roof tiles to fit the sloping roof.
When tiling the dormers, do one flat side at a time and trim to fit before tiling the triangular sloping face.
By adding the middle tiles last it is easier to align the tiles to the existing rows on the dormer roof sides. Again, cut and glue on oversized and trim once dry.
Extend the blade and use the sloping dormer roof as a guide. Push the blade carefully towards the building to cut each row of tiles in turn.
With the roof tiles complete, I gave the kit a basecoat. I used Johnstones "English Trifle" emulsion for the walls, Games Workshop Teracotta for the brickwork and Americana "Bittersweet Chocolate" for the wood and roof shingles. (note the side roof is still not glued in pace)
After base coating, I did a pale yellow highlight to the lower edge of each "plank" using Dulux "Vanilla Sundae" tester pot. I drybrushed the roof and picked out the planks on the base by adding Vallejo Beasty Brown to the base coat before using a light pure Beasty Brown. Games Workshop "Dawnstone" grey was used to provide an extreme highlight which was toned down with GW Agrax Earthshade where I applied it too heavily. For the brickwork I added a pale muted orange Dulux Emulsion "Sumatran Melody 2" (left over from the pantile paintjob) and picked out random bricks. A number of shades were used by differing the amount of highlight paint. After the highlights werer applied, I spray varnished the brickwork to provide a seal before applying Model Mates "Brick Joint Filler".
The following pieces were painted separately and added in this order.
Shutters, basement ventilation grilles, doors. All were sprayed grey and then oversprayed white.
I then glued in the rear supporting timbers for the long narrow roof. The timber supports are a single piece that too was sprayed grey and then white. Four triangular roof trusses slot into the main building and link onto the roof support pillars. Ensure the one engraved one showing the planks is on the left. One has a deeper notch to accommoadate the window frame. I spray primed the roof trusses grey and painted them yellow once in glued in place.The pre-tiled and pre-painted roof section was glued along the back.
I picked out the ironwork to the cellar doors and glued them in place. The doors fitting between the rear raised areas are a close fit. The paint needed sanding back using an emery board to ease the fitting.
I painted the four sets of steps and glued them in place after applying brick joint filler to the brickwork behind. I glued in place the handrails to the front steps.
The final optional extras were added. The resin barrel stack was painted and glued to the recess in the side wall. I used an epoxy resin (a multi purpose glue would also have bonded the resin to the wall). A single barrel was added to the rear for further effect and to strengthen the Tavern theme. Coupled with the "Hare Tavern" sign barrels, the two components are visually brought together.
Lastly I glued with a multi purpose glue (UHU or similar) blister packaging to the inside on the windows to get a glazed effect.