On the workbech: "La Brasserie" coming soon in 20mm 1/72 scale June 23, 2015 12:05
Coming soon to the Charlie Foxtrot Models range of buildings is a 20mm 1/72 scale version of "La Brasserie". The little version has a 116mm x 82mm footprint and stands 152mm high. Plastic strip for ridge tiles and plastic tube will be included in this new kit, just like the "big sister" version. Please watch this space for when the model becomes available. The picture is of my final prototype and copies are being cut as I type. I am waiting on my supplier for thinner plastic pipe for the chimney to reflect the smaller scale model. This kit will be ready in time for the forthcoming Bovington show. This addition to my range is in response to the gamers who spoke to me at both Exeter and Weymouth shows requesting 20mm buildings for both Bolt Action and Battlegroup. Further kits are planned and will be released over the coming months. If you have good eyesight and noticed that the 20mm model stuck to a 1p coin is an Italian, please accept my apologies. If you did not notice this; please disregard this last paragraph. |